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How to cure unnecessary hair loss and baldness : Alopecia, or hair loss has many causes. Besides heriditary hair loss, (male pattern baldness), and chemotherapy, there are hair care tips that can help reduce hair loss and baldness. A healthy scalp is the best friend your hair ever had, besides hisute relatives. Unfortunately, many men and women, avoid shampooing their hair in a misguided attempt to prevent hair loss. An oily scalp, the result of infrequent shampooings, can result in a condition called seborrheic dermatitis. The chief symptoms are redness, itching, flaking, leading many to believe this is just garden variety dandruff. Seborrheic dermatitis usually involves the scalp, especially around the upper forehead, ears, and eyebrows. Untreated, weeping sores and hair loss are the result. To treat, and prevent this condition, daily hair washing is recommended. Although an oily hair shampoo would seem best, this is too harsh for your scalp and can actually increase the amount of oil production. Your best defense is to gently massage the entire scalp using fingertips then wash your hair with warm water and a mild shampoo formulated for daily use. Rinse with plenty of cool water, and gently blot dry. If you blow dry your hair, select a low setting. Other things you can do to minimize hair loss and baldness? Avoid wigs and ball caps that reduce circulation. Stay away from tight pony tails or other hair ornaments that pull on your scalp. Eat a well balanced diet and drink plenty of water. In this way hair today may not be gone tomorrow.
Hair Loss in Men : There are many kinds of hair loss, including what we call: alopecia areata (patches of baldness that usually grow back); elogen effluvium (rapid shedding after childbirth, fever, or sudden weight loss); and traction alopecia (thinning from tight braids or ponytails). All of these types of hair loss can be alarming but, fortunately, they are most often mild and temporary or reversible. The majority of people who lose their hair, however, do it gradually and all through the scalp, with some emphasis on the frontal part. Doctors refer to this process as "androgenetic alopecia" which implies that a combination of hormones (andro-) and heredity (genetics) is needed to develop the condition. Some men never go "bald" but everyone's hair thins out over the years. Despite much research, there's still only a little that men can do to slow down or reverse hair loss. I'm referring to garden-variety "male-pattern baldness." The medical term for that is "androgenetic alopecia," which means hair loss that you get when you have male hormones and a hereditary tendency to lose hair. Sometimes, acute stress to the system (such as high fever, sudden weight loss, etc.) produces a sudden, rapid shedding of hair, where you find clumps of hair coming out all over the place. Although this syndrome (called telogen effluvium) is alarming, it actually is good news, because the body readjusts itself and most if not all the hair grows back. People whose loss of hair is inherited notice their hair is thinning but don't see very much hair actually coming out. Once you think you're thinning, it's worth a check to be sure. Even men who never lose much hair develop some receding at both temples during adolescence. Boy's hairlines are straight across; adult men have more of an "M"-shape.